Travel Light Travel Right

Travel is all about packing light. It’s not a good idea to cram as much as you can carry on your backpack when you go off to new places. The first rule is always to pack just enough to last you a few days.

Unless you enjoy lugging around bags that weigh a ton, bringing along just a few choice articles of clothing is better.
You’re better off not packing three sneakers, your two boots or those many shirts.

If you’re worried about clothes, you can buy some of these when you get where you’re going. Remember that the longer you stay in one place, the less clothes, toiletries and other accessories you bring. Because when you get there, you can just shop around and look for a few shirts you can wear or stuff you can use while you continue on with the next leg of the trip.

Buying things over there is easier for you because you save up space in your bag and it makes it easier for you to carry your bags. Unless you have money to burn, you can’t afford to pay strangers to carry your bags for you. Once or twice, yes—if it’s particularly hot and you want to take it easy. But since it pays to be wise with your coin while on the road, just keep the money and spend it on things that’ll no doubt prove to be more fun.

If you bring along too many things, you’d either have to be prepared to pay for the extra charges when you have them shipped home or else, be forced to leave behind some of your old things. Or even worse, leave behind that extra-special lamp you’ve set your heart on or that sleek and adorable fur jacket meant for your three-year-old niece. Add to this how you were actually hoping on turning this into a shopping trip and you can be sure that, as things stand, having a lugging around a loaded luggage is definitely not a sterling idea.

Also, don’t forget to pack in your own water. If you plan on visiting all the tourist spots you could find in that area, be prepared for it. You’ll grow tired, perspire and eventually get thirsty. Not having your own bottle of water with you could cost you a few dollars higher than you normally pay for the stuff. It’s common knowledge that things are priced a bit higher around tourist spots than when you buy them at the grocery or supermarket. Not to mention that it’s safer to know where your drinking water comes from. It pays to be careful when you’re out there.

So if you don’t want anything to spoil your trip, just pack in the absolute essentials—this includes your drinking water—and nothing else. If you have your passport along with other important travel documents, clothes, your toiletries, first aid, extra shopping bags, gadgets like mobile phones (don’t forget the charger if you’re planning on staying for more than three days), then you’re all set. For camera enthusiasts, remember to bring an extra memory card. You don’t want to find yourself deleting pictures you would rather keep but can’t just because there’s not enough space.

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