Travel and Motion Sickness Remedies

Travel sickness is the bane of any vacation. It makes traveling to and from your destination an unpleasant, nausea-inducing experience – and it may also restrict the things you can do while on holiday. Below are a few tips for helping rid yourself of travel or motion induced sickness:


The root ginger has recognized nausea reducing properties, and is most frequently suggested for pregnant women suffering from morning sickness. However, its impressive effect on nausea means it translates well to those suffering with travel or motion sickness.

The best way of ingesting ginger is in the form of herbal tablets. These can be purchased from a health food store or online – though if you do buy online, check the seller is reputable to ensure you get authentic goods. Like all herbal products, ginger does not work for everyone, but it is a possible non-medicinal method of at least easing travel sickness.


You can purchase sea sickness wristbands from various places, including health shops and online. Usually, these are woven cotton bands which you place on your wrist and wear for the entirety of your traveling While they are most commonly associated with sea sickness, users have reported they work on other forms of motion sickness (in the car, for example) also.


If the above fail, your best option is probably to go down the medicinal route. You can either buy tablets to cease motion sickness from a pharmacy, or if you suffer particularly severely, your doctor should be able to help. Always ensure you take the tablets one hour before traveling for maximum effect.

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